Scissor lift training & EWP training Sydney

We offer on-site training courses for scissor, boom (under 11 metres) and vertical lift. If you want the training onsite for your staff convenience and for more efficiency, EWP training Sydney are willing to come to your site any day during the week.



Scissor lift training courses in Sydney

In Australia, if you are the Employer, you have a “duty of care” to provide your staff with a safe workplace. It is the law in all states, not only in NSW. Also, the Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations states that operators of plant equipment must undergo activity based instruction and training. To help you to combine with the law and develop your business sustainably, We offer the training courses incluing: Yellow card training, EWP training, Boom Lift Training, scissor lift training Sydney. Why you need A Yellow Card? EWP training Sydney gives you the ‘evidence of training’ for the following types of EWP: Boom Lift under 11m, Scissor Lift and Vertical Lift. The course structure is both specific to your particular model of equipment, and to Elevating Work Platforms in general, delivering a broad overview.

EWP training Sydney is willing to come to you for providing training courses at your site for groups of employees if your workplace have an appropriate EWP and a safe area for training.

You may think should you invest for the employees these certificates? If you want to run your business in the long run, and get the sustainable future, it is a good investment and costs much smaller than the cost of a work accident that may happen with the people working in your factory. The accident even can happen to the visitors, the clients, the delivery people who coming to your site on business requirements.

Therefore, do not hestitate to register for all the courses including Yellow card training Sydney courses, EWP training Sydney courses, Boom Lift Training Sydney courses, scissor lift training Sydney courses.

Boom Lift Training Sydney

WHAT EWP TRAINING DO YOU NEED? Are your employees operating a boomlift with the capacity to go over 11 metres?
then they are required to do the WorkCover (WP) high risk licence
Are your employees operating a boomlift that is under 11metres? your employees are required to do the EWPA yellowcard
Are your employees operating a scissorlift? your employees are not required to have a WorkCover high risk licence. The training required is the EWPA yellow card. There are no height restrictions for scissorlift.
Are your employees operating a vertical lift? Your employees are required to do the EWPA yellow card VL module


Yellow Card sample

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